“We might have the right vision, advantageous market conditions, a superb product and yet still fail if we don’t have the right people working as a team and thinking like owners.”
F. A. Barillas, Senior Consultant @ Vectoral Data
We specialize in technical recruiting using the STAR methodology to find strong candidates for your business. We have hired thousands of employees over the past thirty-plus years in various disciplines including IT, Engineering, Human Resources, Maintenance, Operations, Accounting, Finance, Purchasing, Marketing, Sales, and Retail Store Management.
Our approach is to help you evaluate each candidate in the two important dimensions:

We can help you establish your complete hiring platform for the various positions in your business or we can help you redefine and fine-tune your interview checklists. We have the experience to create easy-to-use checklists for the two dimensions above.
Our development process is detailed in Creating a Winning Recruitment Platform.
You found the right candidate, now what?
You need an effective on-boarding process to ensure strong bonding with cultural values and vision.
On-boarding is not an event. It is not even a series of events. On-boarding is a well-defined process to bring a new employee up to her first performance level: acclimation and buy-into the values of the company.
We can help you define your onboarding process including the design and facilitation of events and activities that demonstrate the why, how, and what your company is about.

Design of On-Boarding Program
We help you create the printed or online material, the communication plan, the huddle strategy, and the performance metrics for your on-boarding process.
Design and Delivery of initial or concluding on-boarding Workshops
Your initial and concluding on-boarding workshops ought to emphasize the mission and vision of your company. When employees know and endorse the “why” and “how” your company does what it does, they will focus on delivering products and services aligned with your values and strategies. We have designed interactive and fun one-day workshops that make an impact on your new hires.
Design and Delivery of live and virtual on-boarding Events
A typical on-boarding process takes between a couple of months to a year. It depends on how you want to space out team building and educational activities for your new hires. We have a catalog of events, online and in-person, that reinforce the messages you want to deliver to your new hires.
If you want to know more about our on-boarding programs and services, email us at solutions@vectoraldata.com.